Upstream Activities
- Procuring and Operating Oilfields concessions
- Entering into Production Sharing Contracts via
funding of already producing assets that need
more resources to scale their production - Acquiring distressed assets (mainly those lacking
finance or operational capability to bring on stream). - Reworking matured or bypassed reserves with
new technology.

Midstream and
Downstream Activities
- Refining – Plans are ongoing for the setting up of our
refining capabilities to engage in the refining of petroleum
products to meet Nigeria’s Domestic consumption. - Shipping – With our partners, we are currently engaged in
the transportation of petroleum products within Nigeria
and also to terminals located in the high seas. - Marketing and Trading – Halkin’s future business activities will be in the marketing and trading of fuel, lube oil, LPG, LNG, CNG, aviation, petrochemical, and other non-fuel products for the domestic and export market.